Question List
  1. 1.
    What are the five pillars of Islam?
  2. 2.
    What is the Shahada?
  3. 3.
    What is Salat?
  4. 4.
    What is Zakat?
  5. 5.
    What is Sawm?
  6. 6.
    What is Hajj?
  7. 7.
    What is the Kaaba?
  8. 8.
    Why do Muslims pray five times a day?
  9. 9.
    What is the significance of Ramadan?
  10. 10.
    What is Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha?
  11. 11.
    What is Halal?
  12. 12.
    What is Haram?
  13. 13.
    What is the Islamic view on Jesus?
  14. 14.
    What is the Islamic view on the afterlife?
  15. 15.
    What is the Jinn?
  16. 16.
    What is Sharia law?
  17. 17.
    What is Jihad?
  18. 18.
    What is the Hijab?
  19. 19.
    Why do some Muslim women wear a Hijab?
  20. 20.
    What is the Islamic calendar?
  21. 21.
    How do Muslims view other religions?
  22. 22.
    What is the Islamic view on alcohol and drugs?
  23. 23.
    What is the Islamic view on gambling?
  24. 24.
    What is the Islamic view on interest (usury)?
  25. 25.
    How do Muslims view marriage?
  26. 26.
    What is the Islamic view on divorce?
  27. 27.
    What is the Islamic view on polygamy?
  28. 28.
    What is the Islamic view on homosexuality?
  29. 29.
    What are Islamic dietary laws?
  30. 30.
    What is the Islamic stance on abortion?
  31. 31.
    What are Islamic funeral rites?
  32. 32.
    What is the Islamic view on euthanasia and suicide?
  33. 33.
    What is the Islamic view on gender roles?
  34. 34.
    What is the Islamic view on education?
  35. 35.
    What is the Islamic view on slavery?
  36. 36.
    What is the Islamic view on war and violence?
  37. 37.
    What is the Islamic view on capital punishment?
  38. 38.
    How do Muslims view the environment?
  39. 39.
    What is the Islamic view on charity?
  40. 40.
    What is the Islamic view on modesty?
  41. 41.
    How do Muslims celebrate births?
  42. 42.
    What is the Islamic view on adoption?
  43. 43.
    What is the Islamic view on animal rights?
  44. 44.
    How do Muslims view the elderly and aging?
  45. 45.
    What is the significance of Muharram?
  46. 46.
    What is the story of Isra and Mi'raj?
  47. 47.
    What is the Night of Power (Laylat al-Qadr)?
  48. 48.
    What is the significance of the Day of Arafah?
  49. 49.
    What is the story of the Prophet's Ascension (Miraj)?
  50. 50.
    What is the significance of the Prophet's birthday (Mawlid)?
  51. 51.
    What is Sufism?
  52. 52.
    What are the main sects of Islam?
  53. 53.
    What is the role of the mosque in the Muslim community?
  54. 54.
    What is the importance of the family in Islam?
  55. 55.
    What are the duties of a Muslim parent?
  56. 56.
    What is the significance of the names of Allah?
  57. 57.
    What is the importance of cleanliness in Islam?
  58. 58.
    What is the Islamic perspective on wealth and poverty?
  59. 59.
    How should Muslims treat their neighbors?
  60. 60.
    What is the significance of the Black Stone (Hajar al-Aswad)?
  61. 61.
    What is the role of angels in Islam?
  62. 62.
    What is the significance of Mecca and Medina in Islam?
  63. 63.
    What is the story of Abraham in Islam?
  64. 64.
    What is the story of Moses in Islam?
  65. 65.
    What is the story of Noah in Islam?
  66. 66.
    What is the story of Adam and Eve in Islam?
  67. 67.
    What is the role of dreams in Islam?
  68. 68.
    What is the Islamic perspective on miracles?
  69. 69.
    What is the Islamic view on astrology and fortune-telling?
  70. 70.
    How does Islam view science and technology?
  71. 71.
    What is the Islamic view on organ donation and transplants?
  72. 72.
    What is the Islamic view on mental health and therapy?
  73. 73.
    What is the Islamic view on disability?
  74. 74.
    What is the role of art and creativity in Islam?
  75. 75.
    What is the Islamic view on music and dance?
  76. 76.
    What is the Islamic view on tattoos and body modifications?
  77. 77.
    What is the Islamic view on dating and relationships?
  78. 78.
    What is the Islamic perspective on gender equality?
  79. 79.
    What is the Islamic view on domestic violence and abuse?
  80. 80.
    What is the Islamic view on racism and discrimination?
  81. 81.
    What is the Islamic stance on human rights?
  82. 82.
    What is the Islamic perspective on social justice?
  83. 83.
    What is the role of community service in Islam?
  84. 84.
    What is the Islamic perspective on political involvement?
  85. 85.
    How does Islam view other forms of life, such as animals and plants?
  86. 86.
    What is the role of patience (Sabr) in Islam?
  87. 87.
    What is the Islamic view on gratitude?
  88. 88.
    How does Islam view the concept of love?
  89. 89.
    What is the role of repentance (Tawbah) in Islam?
  90. 90.
    How does Islam view the concept of truth and honesty?
  91. 91.
    What is the Islamic view on forgiveness?
  92. 92.
    What is the Islamic perspective on peace and conflict resolution?
  93. 93.
    How does Islam views a woman in general?
  94. 94.
    How does one introduce Islam to a child?
  95. 95.
    What is the definition of Riba in Islam?
  96. 96.
    How does God decide who goes to heavens and hell?
  97. 97.
    Why can’t Muslim eat pork?
  98. 98.
    What is Islamic economics?
  99. 99.
    Is revolution allowed in Islam against a legal government?
  100. 100.
    Should we follow the legal government even if they are harmful to people?
  101. 101.
    Will a non muslim go to Paradise?
  102. 102.
    Will a kind and compassionate non muslim go to heaven?
  103. 103.
    What will happen to all non-humans after their death?